Authentic Leadership, what we can learn from Earnest Shackleton after 100 years
Authentic Leadership has been researched and written about extensively since the early 2000s, and is really in its infancy when hanging out with other leadership theories such as charismatic, transformational, and transactional…but is it really a modern stream of leadership?
I saw this quote the other day:
“For scientific discovery give me Scott; for speed and efficiency of travel give me Armundsen; but when disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton”
Sir Raymond Priestley, Antarctic Explorer and Geologist
So, me being my curious self, I had to explore. What did Shackleton have that the others did not? What I found was, Shackleton was an authentic leader who successfully led a team of 28 men into and out of psychological and physical safety during the Endurance expedition, 1914-1917. Six months into the journey to Antarctica, the Endurance was frozen into the sea and the mission was halted.
As I read about the psychological challenges of the team, I reflected on the pandemic situation we are all experiencing and how psychological safety should be at the forefront of leaders’ minds. What stood out from Shackleton and should be recognised by today’s leaders was the ‘mental medicine’ required. Shackleton focussed on managing the outlook, energy, engagement, and cohesion of his team. He created activities like ice dancing and dog races but also mandatory attendance for an hour after dinner in a social setting, no isolation during this timeslot, only interaction through games, discussion and socialization.
The adaptation, flexibility, improvisation and suppleness Shackleton showed through continual leadership with dedicated self-awareness to sustain a positive forward focus and belief is extraordinary. Not only does he demonstrate authentic leadership but humanity for his team’s survival…and they did, after 3 years, all 28 reached home!
As a Melbournian who has experienced over 250 days in lockdown, I wonder how much leadership is being focused on the mental medicine of those working from home. How much energy, fun, socialization and games have dedicated time in virtual gatherings or are they all meeting focussed?
Ernest Shackleton
Success Box delivers Leadership Training ideal for professional individuals and teams,
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Article by Tangerine Peacock
# authentic, leadership, shackleton, endurance