“Debbie was fantastic! The group was a great mix and challenged each other effectively under Deb’s guidance. Thoroughly enjoyable experience that will inspire me to apply the skills and knowledge on a daily basis.”

Ben S, Operations Manager, Hardware Industry

“Debbie, your courage and meticulousness in proving your credentials as a training leader to business stakeholders left a profound impression on me. Your approach, facing an audience often sceptical about the tangible value of Learning and Development, was inspiring and enlightening.

Your strategy to demonstrate value through actions alone, without any superficial PR or misleading rhetoric, truly showcased your commitment to making a real difference. In my own experiences, I've seen L&D professionals frequently viewed as a financial burden by the business sector. However, trailblazers like you vigorously challenge this perception, thereby proving our collective worth to the broader business community.

What also stood out was your method of immersing yourself entirely into the business, embodying its essence, before devising a strategic plan. This demonstrated a remarkable blend of empathy and business acumen.”

Sagar N, L&D Professional

“Please pass on my gratitude to Debbie on what was an inspirational session.  She definitely has a gift of delivering with passion and insight. Well done on bringing her to the conference, it was a great way to end the day!”

 Michelle F - District Manager, Finance Industry

“The content was excellent, so relevant to our business and Debbie connected the dots for us. What a great trainer!”

Ross M., Site Manager, Logistics

“Appreciate Debbie’s commitment and ongoing support, as I apply these behaviour changes. She always knows how to connect the information back to something that is relevant to me and my job.”

 Vlad S., Manufacturing Manager